Sunday, February 8, 2009


Enola is doing awesome.  She did really well on her science project and would have received the Einstein award but she forgot her notebook.  She surprised everyone when she volunteered to play "BINGO" at the old folks home in Lehi every Monday.  No one else in the family is that nice, she must have paid attention in church or something.
Jett had the "100" days at school last week.  They count to 100 and bring in 100 marshmallows or something.  Anyway the teacher asked the class to draw a picture of what they look like now on one half of the page and on the other half draw what you will look like when your 100 years old.  On the what I look like now side he drew a boy with a baseball hat on.  On the what I will look like when I'm 100 Jett drew a tombstone with the name Jett on it.  Pretty smart kid if you ask me.
Mom was trying to scan the picture in to post it but was having some difficulties.  Hopeful she'll be able to get it to work.
Also I know they are old pictures but I don't have any recent ones of them and mom wont post any.  Jetts' hair is long enough to make a mini ponytail though.
Oh and D.J. and Chelsea got engaged last week.  May wedding I believe.  More details I'm sure will follow