On Wed Jett came home from school telling us that Ryder (A bully at school who has caused problems with everyone all year. He's a big boy too) was threatening Jett that he was going to beat him up. On Thurs mom went and picked Jett up from school for his dentist appointment and there was another little boy sitting in the office with an ice pack on his face. Ryder had beat him up. Today (Friday) Jett went to school and told Ryder not to pick on his friends it's not nice. (The boy with the ice pack was Jetts friend) Ryder didn't like being told not to be a bully so he threw a punch at Jett who with his cat like quickness dodged the punch and stuck up for himself by punching Ryder back. Ryder quickly obtained a bloody nose and lost a tooth. That wasn't the end of it. Jett also charged Ryder tackled him and continued to punch him. (I imagine A Christmas Story and the fight between Ralphy and Scott Fargus) A couple of little girls came running over to stop the fight, but it wasn't until Mrs. Moore came over that Jett was done proving that Ryder is NOT the strongest kid in school, and it doesn't pay to be a bully. Especially if Jett is around.
Crack head is looking a little round in the belly area. So if your looking for a kitten stay tuned there might be more feline soon to come.
Mom always said "never start a fight, but go ahead and finish it". Go for Jett and sticking up for himself and others. Enola stay away from nose pircings!
Hey Jen... careful about the nose piercing comments
;-) I had to enlarge the picture to get the full cheerio effect. I think she still looks lovely in her glasses. So chic and so hip!
And you go Jett. As long as you use your superpowers for good and not evil.
Way to go Ralphie ... er... Jett. Take down Scott Farkus big time!! Mom was right. Never start it, but finish it right!
Enola, you are your dad's daughter.
WOO HOO JETT!!! You go Hulkster!
I agree with all the above comments and must say I am VERY proud of you. I believe you have probably ended the 'bully' issue at school.
Enola - love the glasses, the eggs are adorable and the nose rings a crack up (no pun intended with the eggs and all).
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