When Enola saw this picture she laughed and said she looked like "A one-legged prostitute." I asked her if she knew what a prostitute was, she giggled and said "No" Mom educated her
She's sporting new jewelry from the neighbor friends and clothes from Chelsea and D.J
It took her a few tries to get all the candles out. She also got some $$$ which she is saving to buy a laptop, perfume, and received a few cd's. Her favorite being Michael Jacksons #1 hits (from Jett)
Cousins don't be saddened if you were not invited. Just the siblings came over. The cousins that truly loved her came over and said "Happy Birthday" anyhow :)
Oh, here Taylor and Jett are having a deep meaningful conversation.
Here is Zander. Already 25 pounds. Yes, he is a big boy!
Jett has to prove his manhood anytime a brother comes around. He fought Taylor all night, had a few battles with Kody and one with D.J. earlier in the day.
Whitney and Kameron made it over before their big move to Logan in a couple of weeks.
Everyone enjoying some cake and ice cream.
We don't need an excuse to have treats but we all LOVE Enola and are glad she's here. We'll celebrate her we think at least once a year.