Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Watch his tongue

The video is kind of long because I didn't realize how long I had been recording. We were playing a game of ten thousand and Jett was coloring. I was trying to do it incognito so he wouldn't suspect anything.


Jennifer said...

That has to be one of the funniest things that I have seen in awhile. Don't tell him you put it on there he might get upset.

Sydney said...

I was looking for the salt lick! Too cute and I loved Leon Redbone playing in the background! One of my favorite christmas CD's!!!!

Jennifer said...

I forgot to mention that I like the cup tower as well.

Dad Risser said...

Yeah I heard Leon too. We've got tickets to see him in concert in Temecula un April.

Carlie said...

I sure miss you guys.

NĂ©na said...

omgsh that is adorable!!! I like how he sticks his tongue out in total concentration :}