Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A lovely visit

From Grandma and Aunt Syd occurred over the holiday weekend. They joined us for Thanksgiving, which I didn't get pictures of and we were lucky enough to help celebrate Grandmas' 84th birthday!
Enjoying the wonderful rendition of "Happy Birthday"
Only mom would suggest putting a dinosaur on Grandmas' cake.
As Grandma put it, "A bag full of hot air does the job"
We were glad that we got to spend a fun but short while with these two wonderful ladies. Come back anytime.
Next up to visit: Becky and John!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Tough Guy

Jett had been taunting me to a wrestle.
Saying things like, "I'll show you things you haven't seen before" and "I will beat you so bad"
He ended up with a pink belly, begging me for mercy and he did utter the phrase, "Whoa I haven't seen that move before!"
He got a couple of good shots in, he did totally blindside me. Once! And it was only after the grumpy Pops told them to go to bed because I was getting them all worked up before bed and it was a school night, so I had stopped and turned my attention elsewhere when honestly he knocked me a good three feet sideways, it's a good thing there was a couch near by, Chris' shocked reaction was the only thing I saw because Jett took off running the other direction too fast.

Monday, November 1, 2010

This is Halloween

The Ninja (temporarily "DarthMal" which mom did an awesome face paint job) I will look for pictures.
The Double Trouble
I made Pops a Halloween costume because he is such a party pooper. ( I know he is not a "product" but...whatever
The Skekalen face. This is not the posed picture but I thought it was funny because she was wearing her glasses.
It was a rainy, cold, and windy Halloween night but they got a lot of sugar so all in all it was a success.