Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Quickly through pictures

On Wed they let Avalon go home
Thurs she thought her trick of having strawberry milk come out her neck was cool. Mom & Dad not so much. Back to the hospital they went. Here she is Friday on "versed" and would get "funny mad"
Sat she was "feeling pretty good"
Good sport through it all. He's saying "cheese" while crying. Love it
Looks like they will be back home on Fri 3/11
The resident Bad A**
Enola got contacts and has done awesome. (we won't discuss the five minutes she was poking her eye looking for her contact because her vision was blurry and she must have put it in inside out or...oh yeah never put it in to begin with)
The new gas convection stove pops bought mom while she was in Arizona.
"Better to ask for forgiveness than permission" Pops always says.
The new vehicle mom got before her road trip to Arizona. It's a pretty sweet ride.


Sydney said...

What would we do without you Aimee!?!? Thanks for keeping us informed.
Enola- I've done that and more with my contacts including putting both on the same eye.
Jett-Bad A** Right!
Since the oven was ready to burn the house down, forgiveness given!
How about that Avalon and trooper Aaron? "cheese" through his tears. Priceless.

Anonymous said...

I second that about you Aimee.
Resident Bad A** thumbs up:D
Enola stop growing up so fast!!!
Yeah for the oven. Now April (the sis.) can really cook me a feast when we come up in April (the month).