Monday, April 19, 2010

Jenni made a comment about the title of the last post. Some of you may not understand why.
This is what a child looks like for being grounded for about three weeks for being..."not so honest." No friends, no outdoors, no tv, no playing. It's rough but he's reading a lot and that's awesome. Enlarge the picture and check out his awesome hair.
Enola raised that bad Math grade from an F to a B+ like we all knew she could.


Jennifer said...

Still doesn't look sorry enough. Good job Enola you are awesome.

Sydney said...

Way to go Enola. Keep it up. Very proud and pleased.
Jett- we can always do better tomorrow.
Love you both and thanks for keeping up the blog Aimee.

Anonymous said...

Enola - are we really surprised. You da best girlfriend.
Jett - we still love you but.... work on it babe:)